Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Oh, Oh, Oh It's Magic

My husband and I joined some friends at Hollywood's Magic Castle this weekend.

The Magic Castle is a nightclub/ entertainment venue based on magic.  We saw a close-up magician, an illusionist, and a mentalist.  The shows were amazing.

The mentalist blew my mind.  It was creepy/ amazing/ cool to see him at work and I was honored when I got to be part of the show.  He asked for volunteers in the audience who had big purses.  I have always had the spiritual gift of giant purse, so I was an easy choice.

He placed an unbent spoon in the purse of various audience members.  After a stage show, he asked all of us to remove the spoon from our purses.  It was a dramatic and powerful moment...and I blew it.

I lost the spoon at the bottom of my purse.  Lost it, as in "cannot find it despite the fact that I used a flashlight to find it" lost it.  Ugh.

After the moment came and went, I eventually located said spoon.

My overabundance of "stuff" clouded the experience.

It is not just my purse that struggles.  Sometimes,  the abundance of material possessions in our house, car, yard, and places of employment can overwhelm.  Sometimes, despite ALL of my trips to donate to Goodwill, I miss "life" trying to organize, dust, pick up, recycle, and find room for "stuff".

I also struggle when I overfill my calendar.  My spiritual and personal life suffers when I try to do too much.  My kids and husband get lost in translation when I attempt to maximize the amount of "stuff" we do.

I want to reduce my stress and stuff.  I am ready...wanna join me?  Let's do some magic...and make our surplus disappear.


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