Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Highlights with the Most High

We just returned from a great week at camp. In a few days, we leave for two and a half more weeks of camp. I love being a camp speaker, but love the time with my kids even more. They are finally old enough to enjoy "free time" the camp offers without the need for my constant supervision. Once they are sunblocked, given the "be good and have fun" lecture, and prayed for, they are OFF. Judah loves to read and swim; Josiah loves to swing on tire swing and dive into the lake. I like to rest, read, and take hikes. My favorite part, however, is the time that we reconnect and talk about the time away. Judah weaves a wild and wonderful tale (I wonder where she gets THAT from!) and Josiah sticks to the highlights. I love to listen to their banter, their giggles, and their hearts. That must be how God feels when I slow down long enough to tell Him about my day. Of course, He was THERE when everything happened, but the fact that I share my heart with Him must please Him immensely. I don't do it enough. I get so busy with my "to do" lists and prayer requests (which are important), but fail to just "be" with the One who created the day I just enjoyed. Will you commit with me to share your heart with God today? Blessings! Amberly

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