Monday, July 2, 2012

Wii Will Rock You

After weeks of being out of town and/ or busy with Fine Arts camp (thus the reason for no new blogs -sorry), we finally had a day off. I did laundry, Scott did some work at school, and the kids watched mindless t.v. and played on the Wii. Overall, I do not like the system because it displays a complete void of sportsmanship in my kids. Ugh. I do like the little "mii"s though. They are the mini- avatars that one can create to reflect oneself and/or the likeness of others. We have created characters from Star Wars, the Incredibles, Harry Potter, and Disney, but my favorites are the personal ones. We had the opportunity to create our Mii by choosing face shape, eyes colors, height, weight, favorite hues, and hairstyle. My Mii is beautiful. It may not look like me, but by golly, I am going to stick that story!!! We have spent hours creating these little creatures, sometimes with instructions, and sometimes with only our imaginations. As God is "knitting us together in the womb", it must be amazing to "form" a person. I need to remember that I am not some random grouping of DNA info., but instead, a "fearfully and wonderfully made" creation. I need to treat my body like the artwork that it is (Ephesians 2:10). I need to thank God for my body, even when it has aches and pains. I need to take the time to thank God for making me. For what do YOU need to give thanks and act accordingly? I need to get back to my chores. I may even fit a Wii bowling tournament in!!! Do, Re, Mii... Amberly

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