Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Pack Mule

I hate packing. I love to travel, but I despise the arduous process of preparing the suitcases. Making sure all sundries are filled. Deciding on outfits (what if I have a surprise photo shoot, it hails in Arizona in July, or I land on Survivor Island... will I be prepared?) The jewelry. The shoes. The hair accessories. The products. The potions. And this is just the list for my KIDS' stuff. ARRRGH! I do not, however, hate checking my bags. I did not always feel this way. I used to be THAT PERSON who attempted to fit a Hyundai into a carry-on suitcase. I would carry my purse, my computer bag, and then then over-stuffed carry-on which fit into the upper compartment only with the use of Crisco, chicken wire, and prayer. Although the new airline fees deter me a bit, the idea of handing my baggage over to a responsible person is actually quite a relief (do you see where I am going with this?) We are not meant to carry around our baggage, whether it be emotional, spiritual, or physical. We are designed and encouraged by Jesus to "Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy burdened and I will give you rest". He can be trusted with our "stuff". He will not lose it, redirect it erroneously to Detroit, nor damage it. He will carry it for us and lighten our load and, with gentleness, will help us get rid of those things we can do without: our fears, our lack of faith, our hurts, our shame. I am ready to leave my stuff at the feet of Jesus...are you? Our family leaves for Washington D.C. in a few days. I will keep you updated on our trip. By the way, I am already packed. :) Amberly

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