Tuesday, September 2, 2014

ARBORing Bitterness

At camp, I met a gentleman who, when not spending time with 10-year-old campers, is a professional arborist, a tree specialist.

I asked for some advice on planting trees in our front yard.  He discouraged me from one I had originally planned, saying that such foliage is prone to "boring."  Stupidly, I thought to myself, "they are beautiful; there is nothing boring about them.  Sensing my confusion, he explained that boring is when beetles dig into a tree and cause damage, often when a tree is under stress.

I asked how one might alleviate the chances of a beetle attack.  He said to keep the tree healthy - provide plenty of water, avoid physical damage including freezing, and discourage transplanting.  Also, owners should inspect the tree often for sawdust remnants and green frass (excrement) which are signs that beetles have made their way into the tree.

Such beetles can be undetected for a long time due to the fact that they are most active in the internal wood of a tree.

I could not help but see the parallel.  When are we most likely to sin?  When under stress, we leave ourselves "open" for Satan to attack our hearts and integrity.  Such unhealthy choices can go undetected by others, but it does not mean we are healthy.  There are signs of damage, but only God can do a restorative work in us.

When trees suffer from "boring", if the damage is too great, the three must be cut down in order to protect the other trees in a yard.  Fortunately for us, God's healing does not include a hatchet!

Are you hungry?  Angry? Lonely? Tired?  Are you under stress?  Are you giving Satan the opportunity to get the upper hand in your attitude?  Your circumstances?  Your life?

Don't be bored.  Literally. 

Grow in His grace and sink your roots deep in His love,



Unknown said...

I wish there was a "like" button for your blogs, Amberly! Thanks so much for your common sense insight into each of us, and God's love for us.

AmberlyNeese said...

Thank you for this kind comment. I wish I knew who left it so I might thank you more directly :)

Blessings on your week!
