Monday, August 31, 2015

It has been a year.  A YEAR since my last post.  Ridiculous!  Outrageous!  

The last year has been a whirlwind; like everyone else's life, the last twelve months have been filled with elation, frustration, disappointment, excitement, joy, tears, change, and stagnation.

The last year has brought about a job change, a move to a new state, saying goodbye to old friends, saying hello to new ones, painting two houses, selling one of them, new schools for the kids, unemployment for my husband, a graduation, weight loss and gain, and a whole lot of God's faithfulness.

He is the only true constant.  God is the only component of my life that stays the same, loves me through my changes, and does not add stress.  He is the only one that gives more than He asks.  I KNOW these things to be true, but I do not always LIVE them...

Why is He the last place I go to for comfort sometimes?
Why do I trust in the arms of my husband or a plate of food more than Him sometimes? 
Why do I look for my value in the performance of my kids or the number on the scale rather than His perception of me?

I don't know.  But what I DO know is that He loves me anyway and wants me to grow.

Psalm 16:5  "Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure."
Let me unpack that for a moment:

Lord - who He is
You alone - that which sets Him apart from all other things in my life
are - whether I am practicing it, He is
my portion - all that I need right now
and - wait, there's more!
my cup - all I will ever need
You make - He is capable of everything
my lot - my future hope
secure - safe and protected

Isn't that an awesome promise?

God never skips a year or month or week or day or hour or minute or second or millisecond to be faithful.

As far as I have come, I still have a lot to learn...about God and about being a blogger.

Want to join me in my journey?


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