Sunday, May 26, 2013

Camera Shy

I am struggling right now.

I want a really nice camera.  I have my eye on one particular one and have for a few years now.  I love the little camera I have and enjoy making stationery and scrapbook pages out of the pictures I take.  I want to get good at photography and relish the idea of learning all the capabilities of a great camera.  I even want to take a class or two. 

I have been saving pennies for awhile and even have asked that in lieu of Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, birthday, etc gifts that I get $20 to put in my camera fund.  I am willing to wait.  It will take a long time, but I think it is worth it.

My husband is not so keen on this idea.  He thinks spending $900 on a camera is frivolity and frankly, foolish.  He is right.  I cannot feed my family with it, sit on it, use it for a footstool, or move up on the payment schedule at my job because of it.  It is not logical.  We need a new stove, new couches, and new mattresses.  Those purchases would make sense.

Here's the rub.  I work hard, rarely ask for something in particular, stretch our dollars well, don't ask for flowers or jewelry, and am a cheap date on the rare occasion we go out.  And I really want that camera.  When my husband objects, I take it very personally because I am listening to his reasoning with my heart. It hurts my feelings that he does not support me.

It is his job to be my protector.  He makes me feel safe and is a good dad.  He is trying to protect me from spending money foolishly.  Instead of appreciating his logic and care, I am crushed.

This is a struggle between the sexes that has gone on since Eve had her eye on a nice camera.  Failing to appreciate that which one's partner brings to the table leads to disappointment and strife.  A lack of humility on either side can also create disunity.

I am writing a book (slowly) on the Blessings of the Curse; an attempt to get people to see the beauty in the Curses that God gave men and women and that which we can make strengths.

If it sells well, maybe I can afford that camera :)

Have a great week!  Amberly

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