Tuesday, May 7, 2013


I get to go to Washington D.C. next week.  With 40 junior highers.

Despite the fact that I am low man on the totem pole (due to the fact that I am part-time), I get to be a chaperone on an amazing whirl-wind trip.  I have already been to all the places we are going.  I went on four trips with  students when I taught in Fullerton.  Last year, my family and I celebrated my in-laws 50th wedding anniversary with ten days in that area.

I am still geeking out.

I am still excited about "sharing" the sights about which I am crazy with students about whom I am crazy.  I am especially excited to hear from docents and tour guides about the history of our nation in their area of specialty.  I am always impressed with their breadth of knowledge and passion about the subject area.

As Christians, we are essentially docents and tour guides who specialize in Christ's transforming power in our lives.  We have the opportunity each day to "show and tell" that which we have experienced through the grace of God.  We must study His Word, communicate with Him regularly, and trust His Spirit to guide us as we guide others.

When I am guiding others,  I pray that I am less concerned about whether or not they think I am wise and more blessed by my passion for my Subject and His for me.

Lead on!  Amberly

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