Sunday, July 21, 2013

And we're back

After over 4000 miles on the road, countless meals, lots of memories, numerous educational experiences, hours of Broadway tunes, and hugs from family members, the Neese four have returned home.

When we arrived, Megin, one of the two people who took care of our abode whilst we were gone, made preparations for our arrival.  We had a complete dinner, milk, and the makings of a great breakfast in the fridge.   What a treat.

Although it does not fit the description of most people's definition of hospitality, that is exactly that.  She made others feel comfortable through service and care.  Fortunately for us, the "others" were four stinky, travel-weary, and grumpy travelers.

I need to practice more hospitality in my life.  I do not have a big house nor the gift of organization.  My house is often cluttered with homework, permission slips, lesson plans, unread magazines, and ungraded papers - all of which make me feel uncomfortable with the idea of having others over. 

I love the fact that the Apostle Paul encourages me to "practice hospitality" (Romans 12:13).  This is great hope for me.  That means that I need not "perfect hospitality" or "relish the idea of hospitality", I only need practice it.

Although my enchiladas are not as good as hers are, Megin's kindness taught me much about friendship...and true hospitality.


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