Monday, September 14, 2015

Help Wanted

My husband is actively looking for a job.

Since moving to Prescott, he has been busy building beds for our new house, unloading boxes, registering the kids for school, holding down the fort while I work more hours in a week than I thought possible, made meals, provided tons of support through my job change (and missing my friends, and gaining weight, and...), served as the carpool master, and pretty much been a rock star.

He has applied for many jobs, but to date, none have recognized what an incredible guy he is.

We have always moved to a new place because of a call on his life, but this is the first time MY ministry has lead to a move.  (Please hear me, I know ministry involves both parties, but you know what I mean.)

We have spent a lot of time praying for God to provide a job.

We have spent more time worrying about it, though.  At least I have.

It has been hard for me not to micromanage the situation.  It has been a good exercise for me to trust God's timing and my husband's abilities long enough to stop fretting.

My fretting is blocking my ability to lean on Him alone.  Somehow, I think worrying about it is my contribution to the situation.  I can laugh about it as I type this, but I am just being honest.


A job that feeds his soul.  A job that helps with the bills.  A job that employs his gifts.  A job that reminds him of his purpose.  A job that provides a great community (like I have at work).

Psalm 62:1 reminds me that the Psalmist needed to trust in God despite his circumstances. "My soul is at rest in God alone.  My salvation comes from Him."

God has got this.  My back.  My husband's back.  Our salvation (both literally and figuratively) comes from Him.

I needed to write this post.  I needed the reminder.  Maybe you did, too.




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