Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Jaws of Life

My husband is teaching a film class these days.  He has had the opportunity to introduce high school students to some amazing classics: Citizen Kane, High Noon, and the latest, Jaws.

He, of course, must preview and justify all cinematic choices.

So, tonight, I am watching the famous shark movie for the first time in years.

The last time I saw it, I was a teen.  It scared me silly.

But, now, I am 43.  It is scaring me silly.

The thought of being chased by a giant sea monster is terrifying, the thought of doing so in unfamiliar waters is unbearably so.

We face "sharks" and waves every day, you and me.

Mean people, traffic, tax deadlines, dwindling pay, bad news, cancer, poor leadership, wayward children...the list goes on.

The difference between us and the three guys on the boat is this: we have One who has gone before us.  He has endured the depths of life on Earth so that we can have confidence, joy, and peace.

When our boat is sinking and all seems lost, we need only trust that the One who made the waves can also calm them.  Psalm 107:29 "He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed."

Just keep swimming!


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