Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I'm Game

My daughter decided to plan an afternoon with her friends... just to play games.

They played Scene It?, Apples to Apples, and Pictionary, but mostly, they giggled (they are, after all, 12).

I tried to stay out of their "business" and into the other room, but often could not help but join into their laughter.  It is contagious indeed.  I couldn't understand most of that which they were saying from the living room, but the laughter became more animated and infectious.

I love to laugh, but sometimes, I look back over the month and cannot remember the last time I threw my head back in reckless abandon and truly guffawed.

I smile, grin, and snicker, but a true chortle eludes me.   I think often I am too busy, "mature", focused, or overwhelmed.  Clearly, what I need to do is hang with 12 year olds.

At age 12, one is oblivious to mortgage payments, martial strife, car repairs, food bills, Obamacare, and decreasing metabolism.

At 43, one can get overwhelmed by the above list.  But it is a choice.

Paul was trying to encourage the church in Philippi when he wrote the following: "Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say, rejoice!" (Philippians 4:4).

I think they, too, found themselves overwhelmed by the "stuff of life" and forgot to find joy in the Lord.  I need to heed his encouragement.

I gotta go.  The kids are playing Apples to Apples...and I have some laughing to do :)


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