Thursday, August 29, 2013

Putting the GRAND in GRANDparent

My friend, Kathy and I had a wonderful lunch together the other day.

My salad was delicious, but the time together was even more filling.

We discussed all sorts of topics: school, weather, church, and mutual friends.  But the topic I most enjoyed was when she pulled out the pictures of her grandson.

The Christmas tree in Rockefeller Plaza during the holidays does not match the brightness of her face when she talks about that sweet boy.  She had counted the exact number of days since their last visit.  She could not WAIT to see him again.  Why?  Because she is a grandma and he is part of her.

Psalm 103:17 "But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord’s love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children’s children"

Kathy is an amazing woman and a great example of leader, wife, and mother.  According to this promise from the Psalms, love and righteousness is another thing she will be able to pass down to her grandson.

 I am thankful for God's love and faithfulness.  And glad that someday, by His grace, I can light up at the thought of my grandkids :)


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