Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Lunch ABLE

Yesterday was the first day of school for my kids (and their mother).

The kids looked great - hair combed, uniforms ready, shoes squeaky clean, and smiles on their faces.

When we got to school however, both were panicked because they had failed to pack a lunch.  I mark the calendar with the days they ordered school lunch, I pre-made 30 sandwiches and froze them,  I bought enough yogurt, fruit, and plastic spoons to feed Tanzania, and I organized snacks into snack Ziplocs.  My job was done.  They understand that their morning jobs include assembling a lunch.

They both know that there are protein bars in my box in the Teacher's Lounge if they ever forget their lunch.  It has happened before, and after wailing and gnashing of teeth, they realize that indeed they will not starve AND the bars are not so bad.  Since I work at the school all day, I do not have the luxury to run and get them a lunch.

Even though it STINKS that they forgot on the first day, I thought to myself, "well, they won't forget again."  "The consequences will serve as a great reminder."

I even offered my "diet" tuna lunch.  Both, declined, surprisingly, even after I listed the twigs and berries in the recipe.

They had both ordered school lunch.  They both were "safe" and part of me was BUMMED that their actions did not have natural consequences.

However, I am ever so glad that God "does not treat (my sins) as I deserve" (Psalm 103:10).  I am so grateful that the natural consequences of my sins do not always come into fruition. God is a better parent than I am :).  He is much more patient and merciful.

Although, He can feed thousands with a couple of fish and loaves; He has a SLIGHT advantage in the lunchroom.

Blessings on your week!


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