Monday, February 22, 2016

Let's Take a Walk

Rear view of two children walking: Children being forced to walk too far to school, MPs say
I lost a FitBit challenge...again.  For the past five weekends or so, a group of staffers at the camp have challenged me (the one who is at least TWICE their age) to a Weekend Warrior competition for who can take the most steps.  I got schooled again this weekend.  It is hard to look at my phone (at the final scores) and be reminded that there are those who are much stronger than I.

In addition to the FitBit challenge, I was also challenged this weekend to find a Samuel.  A Samuel is that person who is bigger, faster, and stronger spiritually.  There is not FitBit for one's spiritual steps, but I am keenly aware of those who love more, know more, and serve more than I.  But am I ready for the challenge and vulnerability it takes to come alongside one of those folks and walk with them?  It is vulnerable to recognize how far I have to grow.

I think one of the other keys is also to BE a Samuel.  To encourage, challenge, cajole, pray for, uplight, spur, cheer, and love another who is not as strong in the faith is an honor indeed.  But it takes vulnerability to answer their questions, to leave room in one's schedule, and to prepare oneself for the lessons that can be learned from being a mentor.

I am ready.  I am having coffee with an amazing lady this morning.  My husband and I are mentoring her and her boyfriend.  They are amazing and it is an honor to walk alongside them.  There is no need for a FitBit on those walks, but as much as I would like to think that the mentoring is for them, Scott and I are equally if not more blessed by the time together.

Are you a Samuel?  Do you need one?

Pray about it and see who "walks" into your path.

Blessings on your week!


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