Sunday, February 19, 2012


Nothing makes me feel less smart than my Smartphone...

I was perplexed recently when my phone did not ring.  I used the iPhone book my husband bought me, a half dozen websites, and the advice of others to try and determine what could possibly be wrong.

I finally broke down and went to the Verizon store.  The 11 year old behind the counter (okay, 18, but she looked 11), grabbed the phone, tried a few things and then asked if I had turned on the "vibrate" feature.  I had not and admitted I did not know how to do so.

She opened a small slit in the protective sleeve I have on the phone and uncovered a small button.  She slid it over to a new position and, much to my delight (and mortification), the phone worked beautifully.

The capability was there all along, it was just hidden.

I am embarking on a new speaking campaign called, "Joy to Go".  I want to uncover some of the hidden secrets of true joy.  I am ready to let my joy "ring"...

How 'bout you?


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