Monday, March 11, 2013

Holy Shopping, Batman!

We are currently searching for a new church home.  There was no drama leaving Kaleo, we had just fulfilled our commitment to them and knew God was calling us, for the first time in our 20 years together, to church shop.

It has been awkward.  We miss our friends and the comfort therein, but know that new friends await- somewhere.  Nice thing about Bakersfield - we have a shortage of clean air, but not of churches.

Yesterday, we visited a church close to our house.  The kids went there for VBS one summer, I have spoken there a few times, and I know some wonderful people who attend.  It was a nice service, but I was particularly struck by two things: the visiting choir and the lady in the pew in front of us.

The visiting choir was from Teen Challenge, a Christ-centered recovery program.  They did not sing every note correctly according to the scale, but according to thankfulness, they hit every note perfectly.  I was moved to tears as they shared their stories through song and testimony.  They praised God for His redemptive power and healing.  I responded by wiping tears and blowing my nose in agreement.

The woman in the pew (yes, pew; it is a traditional church) in front of us was clearly in her seventies.  She looked like the quintessential cute little old lady.  She even spoke quietly when we greeted one another.  There was nothing meek or mild about her worship, though.  She put her hands in the air during every song.  I LOVED her enthusiasm.  Then, she did it.  During the last song, she got down on her creaking and probably sore knees and knelt down.  She was so moved by the sovereignty of God, she feel prostrate at His feet.

I want to be that lady when I am 70.

I want to be that lady when I am 43! 

I get so caught up sometimes in the "stuff" of life and the opinion of others, I fail to recognize that each Sunday, no matter where we visit, I am in the house of the One who created the Universe.  Who put the stars in their place.  Who made coffee beans and zebras and three-toed sloths.

We probably won't go back to that church to visit again, but I won't soon forget the reminder I received yesterday.

Have a great week!  Amberly

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