Friday, March 8, 2013

Weed Wacky

Wednesday, I made the mistake of going into our back yard.  I honestly have not been out there in a month.  It is a very small yard and frankly, its only purpose right now is to serve as the environment for our barbecue.

I bought some fresh herb plants and optimistically (stupidly) hoped I would not kill them.  I took them out to place them on our back table when I saw them.

Two giant weeds (taller than I am) were growing in our yard. Josiah called them "Jack and the Giant Slayer weeds". Because they are not visible from our back window, they went undetected.  They were the healthiest foliage in our yard by a long shot.

I called to Josiah to help me.  We donned our gardening gloves and went to work.  We heaved and hoed (yes, my past English teachers are shrieking) until they were finally unearthed.  They are sitting in our green trash barrel as I write.

I have had sin that acted the same way.  I have let hurt feelings, gossip, overeating, and under trusting (to name a few) get out of control in my heart. Because it stayed undetected to most, I did not pay enough attention to keep it at bay.  When I finally do a spiritual self-exam, I realize that I have giant problems.  Although confession kills the power of such issues, I still have weeding to do: prayer, action plan to avoid recurring issues, and humility before God.  I need to rid myself of the debris that is left: regret, self-doubt, and pride.  There is not a trash barrel big enough for some of those things :)

God's blessings on your weekend!  Amberly

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