Thursday, March 28, 2013

I am Barabbas

This past weekend, my family loaded into the car for a Vegas.

It was not what you might think; Scott was hired to lead worship at the church of an old friend of mine and so  4 hours, 15 minutes, 8 oranges, a bag of Doritos, and 2 cups of coffee later, we arrived in Las Vegas.

On the way there, we listened to Adventures in Odyssey, a radio show produced by Focus on the Family.  This group of shows was based on Bible Adventures where students got into an invention that transported them into a virtual reality in a Bible story (not unlike a Holodeck in the Star Trek: the Next Generation series, and yes, I am a Trekkie). 

The story centered around the story of the passion week.  The actors and actresses beautifully portrayed the story and events of that week.  They even included a Barabbas - the criminal with whom Jesus traded places.  In a strange turn of events, when the traditions of the day allowed for the freeing of a prisoner, the people chose the vile Barabbas to be released while the perfect Jesus went to the cross.

In all my years as a Christian, I never realized the parallel to my own life that this man represents.  My sins deserved death and yet, Jesus took my place and gave me life.  Barabbas deserved condemnation and yet was given freedom.  I deserved punishment and yet I was given grace.  I am Barabbas.

This Good Friday, remember the sacrifice that was made for you in Jesus.  Remember the love He has for you.  Remember that He willingly shackled Himself to our poor choices and freed us from the bondage of sin.

It is a Good Friday indeed.  For you.  For Me.  And for Barabbas.

Have a blessed Easter!  Amberly

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