Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Scone Gusto

There are homemade scones in the staff room today.

Homemade. Scones.  Did I mention that they are homemade?

Does the baker not know that I am trying to abide by my resolutions?  Do they not know how much I enjoy scones with a cup of coffee?  Are they TRYING to tempt me?

No.  They are trying to be a blessing.

This is yet another realization that life is not about me.  Never has been.  Never will be. 

The person who bakes that was no more thinking about me when they baked that plate of amazing goodness than fly, but somehow, I am a little grumpy about the whole thing.

Sometimes, when things in life go awry, people are quick to blame God, judge others, and grow bitter.  Sometimes, dare I say MOST of the time, it is not about them (or me).

It may be that God is allowing things in their life to make them stronger. (James 1:2-4)
It may be that God is using the choices of others to draw them to Him. (James 1 :2-4)
It may be that God is placing that trial in their path to help them learn to trust in Him more and in the scone less (James 1:2-4).

I am walking away from the plate of scones now...
And praying that the staff will come and eat them ALL soon (and lick the frosting off the plate as well) before I return...


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