Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Weird Science

Monday night, we visited our school's Science night.  It is the combination of Science Fair projects, hands-on learning experiments, and fun.

The kids went from station to station, observing the properties of magnets, paper airplanes, and water.  They even built structures with marshmallows and toothpicks.  Yep.  I typed that right.

In order to show the importance of balance and equal weight distribution, one of the stations had an unlimited number of mini-marshmallows and toothpicks.  Students build boats, skyscrapers, houses, and cars with only those two ingredients, coupled with imagination.

Our daughter's project did not even make it to the car.  It feel apart.  Tiny bits of marshmallow and wood transformed into a heap of food and wood debris in seconds.  She was disappointed, but then remarked, "marshmallows and toothpicks are not designed for quality building".

She is right.  It does not take a scientist to deduce that although more fun than most building materials, marshmallows serve only as a temporary construction medium.

In Matthew 7:24, Jesus says it this way: “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock."

I have tried to build my "house" with self-reliance, good intentions, and popular wisdom.  Much like the marshmallows, they soon fall apart.  My problem?  Bad building material.  God designed us to be firmly planted on His Truth and joyfully flourishing in biblical living.

I need to continue to hear (and study) Jesus' Words and put them into practice.  I need to remember not to fill my life with superfluous "stuff" that does not build my character. 

And I need to avoid eating the building debris from Science Night no matter HOW delicious those little marshmallows are...


Monday, January 28, 2013

A picture is worth a thousand words

Weight Watchers is one of the plethora of choices for a dieting American.  It is based on a balance between education and accountability.  It is also $40 a month and time at meetings, which probably pays for spokesdieters Jessica Simpson and Valerie Bertinelli to get new jeans :)

Of course, such a fee is a small price to pay for new information, motivation, and tips for success.  That being said, I would rather spend $500 a year on something WAY more fun!

I have plenty of nutritional information.  Most "foodies" know more than enough about food and how to eat well, they just choose otherwise.  I know that portion control is my most powerful foe and going to food for anything other than nutrients is idolatry.

The thing I lack most is accountability.  I have wonderful friends in my life, but I do not want to make any of them the "bad guy".   So, I turned to my sister.  She lives far away, she loves me, and she is not afraid of confrontation.  She is the perfect choice.

We have decided that once a week, I will take a picture of my weight on the scale at the gym and send it to her.  Ugh.  Every Thursday morning, the consequences of my week's food consumption will be there for her to see.  I am tracking everything that I eat and drink.  I am praying for strength.  I am also dreading the idea of this week's picture.  Why? Because I hate numbers.

It is easy for me to remind to my kids and/or my students that their grades do not define them.  They are not more or less valuable in the eyes of God when a grade is assigned.  They are important because of who they are, not what they do. 

Why don't I remember that the same is true of me?  I am precious in the sight of God.  The only Numbers I need to concern myself with are the ones found in the Bible between Leviticus and Deuteronomy.  God loves me, unconditionally, no matter the numbers on my scale. 

I will let you know about my progress.  :)  Have a great week!


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

New diet - Day #1

I am starting a new diet today. No grapefruits or South beaches or meat overloads or cabbages or prepackaged meals.   Just eat less, move more.  I have a weight goal and I REALLY want to meet it.

I am dreading it.  Seriously.  I know I have a food issue because I am only 2 hours into this day and already the bird of discouragement has laid an egg on my head.

I promise, I will not make my blog readers endure the silliness of everyday diet drama, but if my blogs get curt or unkind, you will know that it is from low blood sugar or self-pity :)

Please pray for me.  My kids are in the other room enjoying the banana bread I made last night.  I just want to run in there and attack.  The bread sounds good, too :)

Have a great day!  Amberly

Monday, January 21, 2013

Wahoo! Ouch...

I am whoooped.  After completing my half marathon yesterday, I am weary.  My goal was to finish in less than three hours.  My official time: 2 hours, 59 minutes, and 53 seconds. 

My last blog was about my disappointment that my sister was not going to be running partner.  I found another mom from the school at which I teach who was also "solo".  She is in much better shape than I am (I never know if that is better or worse), but she just wanted to complete it.  We decided to complete it together, so she said she would follow my "lead" (honestly, I followed her most of the race).

We made it, just in time.  I was more tired than I imagined at the 8 mile mark; I am sure some of that had to do with the awful cold I had this week. When I had done 12 miles in weeks previous, it was always mile 10 that eluded me.  I started to get discouraged.  I started to apologize profusely to my running partner.  I started to doubt my ability to meet my goal (or finish).  I started to panic.  After all the training, praying, changes, and sacrifice, I might not make it.

My running partner did not give up on me.  She stayed a few steps ahead and repaid apologies with encouragement.  She was jogging the same trail, but kept her eye on me the whole time. 

Psalm 85:12 and 13 encourages me: "The Lord will indeed give what is good, and our land will yield its harvest.  Righteousness goes before him and prepares the way for his steps."

My way was prepared by God's righteousness even before I was cognizant of it.   He is good.

Thank you for your prayers.  Now, I humbly ask for your prayers that I can get up from the couch.

Blessings!  Amberly

Monday, January 14, 2013

Happy Trails to you...

I understand, but I do not have to like it.

My sister, Allyson and I signed up to do the Tinkerbell Half Marathon together.   Last summer.  For months, the very IDEA that my thinner (and frankly, MUCH more athletic) sister would be walking/jogging/running this event has gotten me on the treadmill to train.  It has even inspired me to eat a bit better.

When she called two weeks ago to let me know she would not be coming, I feigned understanding.  I pretended not to be totally crushed.  I applaud her ability to set healthy boundaries, but I was am so hungry to see her, I did not feel like applauding.

The first big "wog" (walk/jog) I did after that, I prayed about my disappointment.  For the 12 miles I put on my feet that day, I shared my heart with God about the loss and was given the gift of feeling His presence on my journey.   Last week and this, I actually broke speed records (certainly not in the world, but in MY world) :)

I had never really "invited" God into my workouts.  Often times, I ask for His help or offer a quick prayer when I think I am going to die during a spin class.  I sometimes listen to Christian music when I am sweating and panting in spandex, but I never took the time to ask Him to join me in my process.

Although I mourn the loss of our time together, I am thankful that my sister loves me.  I am thankful for a sister who inspires me and encourages me.  I am thankful for a sister who is honest with me. I am thankful for a sister that "pushed" me out of bed these past months to train.  Mostly, I am thankful that through this experience, I have learned to enjoy God's companionship on the trail...

I have seven more days until the half marathon.  My Training Partner and I are ready :)

Happy trails to you.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


I came home one day from kindergarten and announced that I wanted to be adopted.  Much to my mother's chagrin, an adopted classmate informed us in class that although our parents were STUCK with the kids to whom they gave birth, adopted kids were CHOSEN.  I wanted to be chosen!

Have you ever noticed that children who are adopted to people with no biological tie slowly began to look like their adoptive parents?

We have wonderful friends who adopted the most beautiful boys.  Both of the boys have delightful dark skin and gorgeous big brown eyes. Mom and Dad who adopted them give me a run for my money in the "pigment deficient" category.  They look even more pale when seated next to their boys.  The irony?  I can see their adopted dad's smile in their pictures and their adopted mom's expression in their eyes.

My hope is that the same is true of me.

"He (God) predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will..." (Ephesians 1:5).

I hope that, with time and spending time together, I will look more like my adoptive Heavenly Father everyday.  I hope people see Jesus' grace and love in me and know it is Him.

I WAS chosen and so were you.  We were given the opportunity to choose Him and be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

I got my kindergarten wish and I want to be a Daddy's girl...


Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Terminal Case of the Mondays

Mondays suffer from bad P.R.  They are just like the other days of the week, but they (unfortunately) follow the two most highly favored days of the week.  It is a case of bad real estate; location is everything.

When the Psalmist encouraged us in Psalm 118:24, "This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it", he may have had Mondays in mind.  Or He may have known that we have all had terrible days and that the remedy is to remember that God is in control and find joy in it.  He made it and therefore can trust Him.  In addition, the Psalmist included a pivotal "game changer" as well: "us".

Sometimes, on Mondays, or rainy days (or any other day that gets Karen Carpenter down), the two most important things to remember are that: 1) God is sovereign and 2) He has provided others to empathize and stand beside us.

If Mondays are hard, find a friend, or a co-laborer, or a stranger in Starbucks, but know you are not alone.  Find something for which to be thankful in the day and then share it.  Proclaim it.  Remind yourself that God is in control and that He is on your side.

Hopefully, your view on Mondays will change.  Or at least make it bit more palatable...


Friday, January 4, 2013

Resolution "Soul"ution

I have successfully gnawed my way through the entirety of the holiday "booty".  We received a ton of baked goods, fudge, and other edible delights for Christmas and I have enjoyed them all.  Not such a great choice for my diet, but delicious nonetheless.

I was challenged by a friend to post my resolutions.  I waited until Friday since it is the lowest day for readers to actually READ the blog, so my thinking is less readers, less accountability.  This is probably a good indicator of the fact that my list is arduous and that I am a bit overwhelmed by it, but here goes:

1) I resolve to blog 2x a week.
2) I resolve to find someone to mentor.
3) I resolve to complete a half marathon in less than 3 hours (my first attempt will be in two weeks!)
4) I resolve to write for at least an hour each week on a book project that I have been working on for YEARS.
5) I resolve to read through the Bible in its entirety.  Although I have done this many times before, I want to be more consistent with my reading schedule.
6) I resolve to like myself, speak kindly to myself, and treat myself with grace.

If you have made resolutions, I challenge you to share them with a trusted friend.  Research shows, you are more likely to adhere to them with accountability.

Thank you for being my accountability.  You will be keenly aware if my first resolution is successful.  I give you permission to kick my backside (in the name of the Lord, of course) if I fail to do it.

God's richest blessings on your 2013!
