Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Terminal Case of the Mondays

Mondays suffer from bad P.R.  They are just like the other days of the week, but they (unfortunately) follow the two most highly favored days of the week.  It is a case of bad real estate; location is everything.

When the Psalmist encouraged us in Psalm 118:24, "This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it", he may have had Mondays in mind.  Or He may have known that we have all had terrible days and that the remedy is to remember that God is in control and find joy in it.  He made it and therefore can trust Him.  In addition, the Psalmist included a pivotal "game changer" as well: "us".

Sometimes, on Mondays, or rainy days (or any other day that gets Karen Carpenter down), the two most important things to remember are that: 1) God is sovereign and 2) He has provided others to empathize and stand beside us.

If Mondays are hard, find a friend, or a co-laborer, or a stranger in Starbucks, but know you are not alone.  Find something for which to be thankful in the day and then share it.  Proclaim it.  Remind yourself that God is in control and that He is on your side.

Hopefully, your view on Mondays will change.  Or at least make it bit more palatable...


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