Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Weird Science

Monday night, we visited our school's Science night.  It is the combination of Science Fair projects, hands-on learning experiments, and fun.

The kids went from station to station, observing the properties of magnets, paper airplanes, and water.  They even built structures with marshmallows and toothpicks.  Yep.  I typed that right.

In order to show the importance of balance and equal weight distribution, one of the stations had an unlimited number of mini-marshmallows and toothpicks.  Students build boats, skyscrapers, houses, and cars with only those two ingredients, coupled with imagination.

Our daughter's project did not even make it to the car.  It feel apart.  Tiny bits of marshmallow and wood transformed into a heap of food and wood debris in seconds.  She was disappointed, but then remarked, "marshmallows and toothpicks are not designed for quality building".

She is right.  It does not take a scientist to deduce that although more fun than most building materials, marshmallows serve only as a temporary construction medium.

In Matthew 7:24, Jesus says it this way: “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock."

I have tried to build my "house" with self-reliance, good intentions, and popular wisdom.  Much like the marshmallows, they soon fall apart.  My problem?  Bad building material.  God designed us to be firmly planted on His Truth and joyfully flourishing in biblical living.

I need to continue to hear (and study) Jesus' Words and put them into practice.  I need to remember not to fill my life with superfluous "stuff" that does not build my character. 

And I need to avoid eating the building debris from Science Night no matter HOW delicious those little marshmallows are...


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