Sunday, March 11, 2012

Rug Doctor

Today, we made invitations for my daughter's 11th birthday party!  11th!  EEEK!

Andy Rooney said it best: "Life is life toilet paper; the farther along you are, the faster it goes."

If you and I are going to experience Joy to Go, we must stop and embrace the moment (Carpe Diem!) and appreciate the present a bit more.  We must resist the temptation to allow time to pass us by without our notice.

When my husband gets home from a long day, his favorite thing (after kissing me, of course) is to take off his shoes and allow his toes to be massaged by the carpet.  He loves the feel the fibers of the flooring and to celebrate that moment.  He has found one way to enjoy the comforts of home, the blessings of God, and a job well done at work all in one activity; I guess one could call it CARPET Diem!

What is your Carpet Diem?  What helps you find joy in the moment?

Maybe it is gardening, swimming, hugging your kids, singing in the shower, snuggling up with a good book, or cooking.  Whatever it is, allow yourself the freedom to do it more often.

Here's to your joy!

Carpet Diem!


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