Monday, January 2, 2012


I love coffee.  Love.  Actually, love isn't a strong enough word.  I ADORE it.  Well, actually I ADORE coffee with creamer.  I would not drink coffee without it.  I am kind of a baby when it comes to java.  Creamer not only adds flavored deliciousness to the cup, it also cools it down.  My mom used to say that certain foods would "grow hairs on your chest" (I am guessing this is highly effective with boys), but with coffee, I actually believe it.  Eeek.  Bitter.  

Some people feel that way about the Bible.  They find it difficult to digest without sugary stories or anecdotes to "cool it down".    As a humorist, I LOVE telling stories on myself and pray that those stories point others to the God of the Universe who loves them with reckless abandon.  My prayer is that I would not water down the Gospel nor attempt to make it more palatable by avoiding speaking the truth.

Instead, my hope is that my words would be sweet.  A prayer that once hung on my refrigerator reminded me: "Lord, make my words sweet, for tomorrow I may have them to eat."

In my lifetime, I have eaten more words that I have Oreos.   One of my resolutions is to have sweeter and fewer words in 2012.

Proverbs 16:24 reminds us that "Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones."

The next time you put anything in your coffee, remember to pray for me.  I will do the same for you!

Blessings!  Amberly

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