Monday, January 9, 2012

Mission Possible We had a "state of the church" address yesterday. Our pastor reviewed the church's mission and then proceeded to ask how we thought we were doing. It was a good dialogue, but a risk indeed. It sparked my thinking about my own mission. Sometimes, I think my mission is limited to signing permission slips, keeping coffee bean harvesters busy, and making sure everyone in the family has clean underwear. But I know it is greater than that. It is greater than going to the gym, plucking chin hairs, teaching the benefits of a napkin at the dinner table, grocery shopping, grading papers, and packing lunches. It is meaningful, it is purposeful, it is joyful, it is eternal. And although it is greater than my previous list, it involves those things as well. Ephesians 2:10 reminds me: "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." On top of all my personal "TO DO" list items, I have a "TO DO" list from Heaven as well! "To do" good works. Not list items I create, but those that God has prepared for me (and me for!) Have you thought about YOUR mission lately? Pray about what God has prepared for you. He never promised glamour (see chin hair comment above :), but He did promise preparation. And His message will never self-destruct... Blessings on your mission! Amberly

1 comment:

mrsm said...

Is it wrong that I'm positively giddy that you too have chin hairs? Sadly, mine go unplucked for days at a time. Thank you for this reminder that God has a to-do list specifically designed for me (and me for it). It's something that is easy to forget in Wommy (Wife/Mommy)Land.