Saturday, January 14, 2012


We went to a party last night.  It is an annual party held at the house of some friends of ours.  They are wonderful hosts and downright amazing people.

Every year, we do one of those "pirate" gift exchanges.  Every year, there is at least one person who is visibly disappointed at the gift they receive.  This year, it was Zech, a sweet preteen.  Zech chose one of our gifts, which included a new Bible, devotional, and creme brulee almonds :)  The hope was that between the three gifts, there would be enough to chew on in 2012.

To say he was underwhelmed would be an understatement.  He pouted and asked every person after him to "steal" his gift.  Judah had done something similar years ago and it was painful to watch.

Sometimes in life, we grow uncomfortable, unthankful, and/or underwhelmed for and by the gifts we are given.  When we look at the gifts that others have been given, our hearts can grow bitter, disappointed, and weary.

Someone eventually "stole" Zech's gift, allowing him to open another gift.  The "stealer" was thrilled with the new Bible set. 

The Apostle Paul "learned to be content in all circumstances" (Philippians 4:11).  That is another way of saying, "he learned to be thankful for the gift he had been given (or that he chose)."

I need to work on contentment in 2012.  I need to make an even more concerted effort to thank God for all the things in my life, even those I find frustrating.

Have a great weekend and know I am thankful for you.


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