Sunday, January 29, 2012

Stage Fright

In less than 24 hours, my daughter, Judah is participating in callbacks for "Sound of Music" at Bakersfield Christian High School.  After nearly 40 children auditioned for the role of one the Von Trapps, there are eight young ladies vying for the role of the two middle girls.

You would think Judah would be the easy choice - her dad is the director.

It is not that easy.  He wants everyone (including Judah) to know that if she gets the role, she earned it.  There will always be people that will doubt that nepotism does not play a role (no pun intended) if she lands a place in his show.  It has caused some stress in our home and on my husband's shoulders.  It is a good think he is not the only decision maker.  He, early on, asked two amazing BCHS ladies to come alongside and help place students in the right roles.

Those of us who believe in God as the director of the Universe can relax.  As we play the roles of "believer", "follower", and "human being", we can trust that God can be relied upon.  He knows that which is best for us and works in our best interest with love and grace.

Just as I need to trust my husband and his counsel with our daughter (I want her to get the role!), I need to trust that God has plans to give her (and me) a hope and a future.

The hills are alive...


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